Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emotional Athyachar - Do we really need it

Yesterday while chatting with my friend I came across one incident. He was telling me about how his friend stopped drinking because of his wife. So I said “what’s wrong in that “. His answer was “She never asked him to “.

You know how men always say” we are not mind readers.” Well it is actually true, at least 99.9% of them are not and the rest 0.1 % are also not, they just get lucky with their guesses. They have no clue what’s going on in our mind. And we always think “They don’t understand!!”
Our hero here was lucky with his guess. How did he know she didn’t want him to drink??? Thats the famous tale of “Emotional Athyachar.”(Emotional Blackmail). He was recently married, happy and joyful. But after few months he saw that his beautiful wife was crying frequently. Sitting in one corner, not letting him know why.
Worried husband came asked my friend what to do, the guy who never had a girl friend in his life had nothing to say. Finally the sweet hubby found the pattern; he saw that she cried only on those days when he came back home after drinking. One day he asked her, “Honey do you cry because I drink “. She said nothing but the light reflected from her tears said it all. He sighed in relief “You should have told me this earlier, I would have stopped that moment itself. I am not addicted “.
This story had a happy ending, not because he read her mind. He analyzed the patterns in her behavior.

My questions to all the girls are
1. Is the guy sleeping next to you is as Patient as this one to analyze?
2. Why can’t we just go ahead and tell him what we feel, why do we need to use tears as weapon?
3. Why we expect him to read our mind?
My questions to the guys are
1. When we are upset, why don’t you come and ask us what happened?
2. And if we change and tell you what we feel, will you reciprocate like this guy?
3. And if we stop crying, will you give us more reasons to smile?

1 comment:

aaromal said...
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