Monday, March 22, 2010

Speeding through the Jungle

Morning breeze was chilled. Crossing a ring road, I saw 2 cars facing each other, Dismantled face of the cars made it clear that someone was not careful. Someone was speeding.... as the auto passed by the cars, I left my thoughts with the car and was trying to remember what all I had to do in office.

Hmmm I had to return my friend's call. I was fooling around the roads, when he called last evening.
This guy was one of the most interestingly talkative men I have come across but today he is silent, giving me one word answers for all my questions. Mr. Martian was in his cave, but I being a Venusian was not ready to give up until I know what was going on. I said “Come on dude, what happened, are you ok??” He " Yeah not feeling well, recovering " I " Recovering from what , you were fine couple of days back" He " Well I kind of had an accident ".

And then the story starts ... 4 guys in a Zen at 120 to 140, I wonder what good will come out of it. 3 of them, safe divers, drive with utter caution. The 4th one was the culprit; he takes the car at high speed in the Jungle of Wayanad. Didn't see the turn .By the time he realized that it was the end of the road, it was too late. He tried turning the car, but at that high speed even the steering gave up on them. The car took off from the road flew over a small canal and banged on to the concrete wall on the other side.
All of them, in Shock. The back seat passengers checked their injuries, and thanked the lord for saving their life. The car jerked again by the front door opening, the driver walked out of the car. Before they could ask “you ok", the driver falls on his face. They ran towards the motionless body on the jungle floor. They turned him, only to see his face red with blood, and more red oozing out of his mouth.
Suddenly they remember that there was one more person in the Car, they looked back and saw him, with his face with blood and pieces of windshield. One of the back seaters ran to check on him, it was his bother.
The help arrived in half hour. When they reached the local hospital, the doctor had another tale to tell. The driver's tongue was cut in half and the hospital didn't have facilities to attend to that. The doctor checked on others, the injuries were minor, just that one had all on his face.
They had to save their friend; they went to the next city hospital. After more than 3 hours operation and 40 stitches just on his tongue our thrilled driver is recovering. No one know if he will be able to talk the same was he use to talk. Or look the way he use to look. But everyone is happy, because they know it could have been worse.
Speed thrills, it actually does. Even I had my experiences. But next time I get on a machine with wheels, I will think “Do I wanna come back home in one piece or several pieces?”
Every time I will see a damaged car. I will remember someone was having thrill of his life, which I don't know might have taken his life.

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