Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why men are better friends than women

So we have heard loads of stories about two men or group of men being friends for a really long time.  But only few similar stories about women.
Men like to believe because they are better than women. My Response “Aha THAT’S WHY! “
Well here is what I have seen in all these friendship. Men don’t talk! They hide their deep desires and secret from other male friends. They like to show they are the coolest, funkiest and the hero their friends want to be with. 99.98 % (My head calculated), “men” best friend don’t know the real deal about their friend. All said when trouble comes these are the same guys saying “Sale tu fikar mat kar mein hu na “
Now let’s take women, let’s admit it gals WE ARE BITCHES! Yup we like to talk, share and of course bitch. Some are harmful bad ass bitches and some sweet little cute bitches that don’t hurt anyone. But this same quality doesn’t work with friendship. We say what we want to say and end up being alone …
Again there are women who are sweet friend who will do anything for their buddies. And never break trust.
About friendship
1.       I believe that friendship should not be conditional – I will be friend with you if you do this ( I know you are nodding with agreement )
2.       When friendship breaks doesn’t mean you leave the trust and give out all the secrets. ( 80% of men and women are culprits in this situation)
3.       Ego the nemesis of Friendship.
4.       Boys try telling the guys friend about the real you. May be they will love it.
5.       Girls think before you speak. Sometime friend is more important that your opinion.
6.       Everything has exception. 
Conclusion – We are all human (Emotional being ) – We love each other , but everyone in a different way.
Love you my friends. I always will. 


namrata said...

Love you gal...cheers to friendship & MEN :D

Unknown said...

Nammu lol Yeah Cheers :D