Monday, February 20, 2012

Unconditional Love

It has always made me wonder what unconditional love is… because most of us love to get love back. For the 1st time in this week I saw unconditional Love.

Today I went to a school for Special Children in a little town called Tirur. This was my 1st charity event in Kerala, I was bit scared how I would be around these kids. Coz all my little cousins are scared of me … I am the danger woman their moms call out for when it comes to feeding them.
Anyways, I got in with Junaid, and was looking so some other friendly faces. Gave a sigh of relief when I saw Darlu (Saneesh is the real name, I call him darlu, so do other women ;)). We started packing the chocolate for the kids and were having silly conversation amongst ourselves.
Darlu had his new camera with him. I was curious, so I asked “Shall I click today? “ He said why not. That moment I started connecting with people later with kids in the school. I started with silly photos of the boys in our group; we were waiting for other to join before we could start the fun activities.
 I clicked and clicked and clicked, suddenly a little hand poked me. I was like ok time to face reality. I look into the little face which was smiling at me, I smiled back. She asked “What your name “ , I said “ Neethu, what’s yours ?”. She replied with a shy smile “ Maufina “. I asked the child”  Sweety can I click a picture of you,  her smile brightens up and she jumped with joy “ yes yes !! “ . I clicked moufina and when looked at the photo again ii release “I am good at this “. So I asked her to smile again. Then she wanted me to click her friend pictures, which I did with lot of enthusiasm.
I moved on the next set of kids who have similar questions for. “ What’s your name?” “What are u doing here “and “where is your home “. I met another girl in this group who was interested in me and what I am doing. She looked so normal I was astonished that she is even part of this special school. I enquired with the teacher about her and came to know the my little Shabana just looks normal and acts normal but does not have basic understanding of what’s going around her and have not what so ever capability of learning another.  I sighed and moved on with my agenda of clicking more innocent faces.
While clicking I heard someone crying , it was more of a scream , I walked towards the sound and found a little boy holding tight to window railing and crying I went to him and asked “ Whats wrong? “  He didn’t say anything, just looked at me and screamed again. A teacher came by and told me that the little boys mom had just left him here and he wanted her to come back to take him. I sat with him for a while looking out of the window. Then I say the little eye oozing tears. I wiped the little face with my hand and told him not to cry. He looked at me blankly and the looked towards the window and cried again. I was depressed, with experience of my age I should be able to make a kid smile. I was of no use I thought. Then Abdu saw me struggling with a kid and he joined us. We tried to cheer up little Arshad. Finally Abdu took over the task and I moved to another bunch of kids disappointed that I couldn’t do much.
Next set are kids who didn’t have their senses in control at all... A tall one smiled at me, I asked “Shall I take a photo of yours”. He gave a big wide smile. Ah!!  At last another bright smile to brighten my day!
While I was clicking photos of this kid, I saw another very teeny tiny boy taking a wooden play toy and going to hit the kid who was sitting next to him. I stopped clicking and kept my right hand between the toy and the kids head. The teachers saw and ran for the rescue.  The singing angel Thaha was safe. I left the scene for the teachers to handle.
I was walking around when Junu came and said “We have a surprise for you “He led me to the little Arsha. Oh my god he was smiling, he was actually smiling …. Thanks to Abdu and his tickling game.  I went close and clicking some pics of the little weeper and his cheerful clown (No offence Abdu – You were great with the kid). 
After enjoying the little ones joy for a while I moved out to pick a call when rest our gang arrived. After cheerful hello we started the program. It started with a brief introduction and then went on with some kids singing and performing.  All in all it went well. After the program I sat in a corner with the kids. When Tiny Alana came and sat on my lap. She was already my favorite model in the gala. She sat and played with me for a while when Nair chetan (Malayalam for elder brother) came and sat with us. He clicked photo of me and Alana. After that he showed Alana to play a tickle game which she enjoyed with him for a while.
Lunch time was sweet. Even with their problems I was amazed with the order the kids went and sat for their lunch. After the lunch was done, our gang sat in the portico and was chitchatting when Shabana came and called me in. She said “Are you leaving us chechi? “, “no why you asked like that Shabana”. She said “why don’t you come and sit with us then” I went in and sat among the kids. Little Alana came to me and amazingly she remember the game Nair chetan had taught her a while back and started playing with me without me initiating. After playing for a while I got up and suddenly Shabana took my hand and kissed it. I was touched by the gesture and was looking at her with a smile when Maufina asked “Can I give you a kiss? “. I was astonished by the love and hugs I got from all the kids.
I was given special attention by the singing angel Thaha. Thaha was not in sense but was singing a song going in circles. I asked the kid to stop but he didn’t even look at me or even noticed that I m trying to stop him. A Teacher came and told me that he can go in circles the whole day without tiring or fainting.  And he sings advertisement songs whichever he hears on TV. I smiled and look back at the poor soul that was trapped in this situation.  I thanks god for giving me health then.  What I didn’t realize during this scene is he was actually noticing me. He had taken a special interest in me. Because for next full hours he was coming and standing close to me, touching my dupatta and even holding my hand dragging me along with him where ever he wanted to go.  Other told me to be careful with the kid as he was a violent one. But he didn’t hurt me a bit .He was gentle with me as much as he could.

Well tell me isn't this whats called unconditional love ?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why men are better friends than women

So we have heard loads of stories about two men or group of men being friends for a really long time.  But only few similar stories about women.
Men like to believe because they are better than women. My Response “Aha THAT’S WHY! “
Well here is what I have seen in all these friendship. Men don’t talk! They hide their deep desires and secret from other male friends. They like to show they are the coolest, funkiest and the hero their friends want to be with. 99.98 % (My head calculated), “men” best friend don’t know the real deal about their friend. All said when trouble comes these are the same guys saying “Sale tu fikar mat kar mein hu na “
Now let’s take women, let’s admit it gals WE ARE BITCHES! Yup we like to talk, share and of course bitch. Some are harmful bad ass bitches and some sweet little cute bitches that don’t hurt anyone. But this same quality doesn’t work with friendship. We say what we want to say and end up being alone …
Again there are women who are sweet friend who will do anything for their buddies. And never break trust.
About friendship
1.       I believe that friendship should not be conditional – I will be friend with you if you do this ( I know you are nodding with agreement )
2.       When friendship breaks doesn’t mean you leave the trust and give out all the secrets. ( 80% of men and women are culprits in this situation)
3.       Ego the nemesis of Friendship.
4.       Boys try telling the guys friend about the real you. May be they will love it.
5.       Girls think before you speak. Sometime friend is more important that your opinion.
6.       Everything has exception. 
Conclusion – We are all human (Emotional being ) – We love each other , but everyone in a different way.
Love you my friends. I always will.