Monday, August 2, 2010

How do I care…

Today some asked me “What will you do? “. I was surprised by the questions as that was the first line of our conversation. I asked her “About?” She said “to Bring peace to the world”. I promptly answered “ I will try to bring peace to the people I know. However I gave the question a thought later. Was my answer correct? Is this what she was looking for? I didn’t know.

Most of us give lots of lecture about being environmentalist and being a humanitarian. But how many of us really are?
What qualifies us to be environmentalist or humanitarian?
1. Stopping a Car. Because I saw 2 water bottle being thrown out its window and asking them to pick it up?
2. Seeing a lady faint and moving on with our walk since her mother asked us to. Then later on thinking … was there something that we could have done.
3. Make a friend pick up the trash that he just had thrown on the road, with out caring that he is 2 feet and 20 kgs bigger than you.
Or Do we have to join a peace rally or a environmental protest ?


Unknown said...

let every human being think and act as a responsible earth includes yu,me,shimin etc...;)for awakening the wonder of life and foster peaceful progress in environment......;)enikky veyya...

Unknown said...

he he he i liked the enikky Veyya part ;)

sleepingchild said...

Whatever so called env-people does people will remain people, they will throw the all types of waste to road side and everywhere. You may stop one or two, but not everyone. People will always be messy and thats a reality. No one can change it, mayb have little control. But the control-messup more loop will continue to happen.

Unknown said...

We are not monkey's anymore to copy what ever other person do... This is called evolution... All we shud do is take responsibility for our actions ... rest will fall in place