Thursday, August 26, 2010

Go ahead .... you wont have shortage ... but are you sure ... your children wont

Year… 2999- Old Woman in the corner of stage  trying to make a fire. With 2 sticks, nothing happens. Again with 2 stones… nothing happens again…
A small kid comes to her.
Kid: Granny … Whaaaaattt u doooooooing
Granny: trying to make a fire Honey, it’s getting cold.
Kid: Hmmm I am hungry.
Granny: Let me find something to eat,
Kid: Let me help you.
Both go to different corner and start searching. Kid comes running back
Kid : Granny!! Granny!!– Look what I found … a paper … when people in it and there are colorful Suns everywhere.
Granny: What where…
Kid: here here …
Granny: Ah!! My last Christmas with lights…
Kid: lights???
Granny looked at the confused face  
Granny: Na nothing honeys. Leave it…
Kid : Noooo I wanna know .. please tell me
Granny: OK OK !! When I was of your age, We use to have something for The electricity
Kid : The Electricity … ooooooo
Granny: Yes! It use to bring light in this little glass balls called bulbs …
Kid: Bulb !!
Granny: But honey. We didn’t value electricity. We didn’t value any of you natural resource and all got over when I was 20.
Kid : Got over!! So So .. I can’t see THE ELECTRICTY  the light in the bulbbb

Granny:  No Honey, you cant
Kid: Why did you use it all… don’t you love me ,,, you should have kept some of it for me right ??
Granny : I… I…
Granny  keeps her head down… Kid leaves the stage in tears .

Final Note:
This Granny might not be you… but DO you want your kids to have a sorry face in front of their Grand kids.. Then Go ahead !! Use it lavishly. Or you think your great grand kids are worth having Electricity. Please work towards saving Electricity!!! 

Photo: Courtesy:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yawwwwnnnnnnn Marriage

My mom called her usual call in every 3 days. After the regular conversation about how things there are and here, how is the weather here and there. Finally she said “that guy whose photo we showed you last Sunday, the horoscope matches”.  I to myself “Haven’t I heard these words before “
This is one of the hundreds of conversation I and Mom had about my marriage. Few day after I turned 20, the 1st guys who came to see me. Why??? Marriage …..
This way the saga started and continued for 6 year. Acted in the drama with 5 men so far, rest 200 was rejected by my sweet horoscope on my behalf

Everyone needs partner; I don’t reject the idea of having one. But why do I have to hurry to chose one … it’s not choice when one is given less time to choose.
My questions:
1.       Why a girl has to compromise and get married because she has crossed 25 year’s threshold
2.       Why she has to meet unknown people with expectation of “ Oh please god, let him not be a moron “
3.       Why horoscope of to decide if the people are made for each other , why not the people themselves
4.       Why can we get courtship period. - I act like a good girl in front of the men I meet with regards to arrange marriage, how can I trust he is not.

I don't  even feel like explaining how arranged marriages work… below is the pictorial representation. J

Monday, August 2, 2010

How do I care…

Today some asked me “What will you do? “. I was surprised by the questions as that was the first line of our conversation. I asked her “About?” She said “to Bring peace to the world”. I promptly answered “ I will try to bring peace to the people I know. However I gave the question a thought later. Was my answer correct? Is this what she was looking for? I didn’t know.

Most of us give lots of lecture about being environmentalist and being a humanitarian. But how many of us really are?
What qualifies us to be environmentalist or humanitarian?
1. Stopping a Car. Because I saw 2 water bottle being thrown out its window and asking them to pick it up?
2. Seeing a lady faint and moving on with our walk since her mother asked us to. Then later on thinking … was there something that we could have done.
3. Make a friend pick up the trash that he just had thrown on the road, with out caring that he is 2 feet and 20 kgs bigger than you.
Or Do we have to join a peace rally or a environmental protest ?